ZK Hack Meetup - ZK Education

ZK Hack Meetup - ZK Education

May 21, 2024
👥 100
🇬🇧 english

Least Authority, Polygon, TU Berlin and ZK Hack

Point of contact

Alvaro Alonso

Status • Available
Price Free!

ZK Hack Meetup - ZK Education: How Do We Learn ZK? with Least Authority, Polygon, TU Berlin & ZK Hack

Whether you're a longstanding member of the ZK Hack community, or just curious about zero-knowledge technology, join us on Tuesday May 21st at 18:00 in Berlin!

This 4th ZK Hack Meetup is produced in partnership with Least Authority, Polygon and Technische Universität Berlin.

It's the opportunity to meet fellow ZK and privacy enthusiasts, listen to our speakers talking about how to learn ZK, and have a good time!


Tuesday - May 21, 2024

18:00 - 21:30
ZK Hack Meetup - ZK Education
ZK Hack Meetup
👥 100

Venues (1)


100 ppl

For speakers

This event is looking for speakers. Submit a proposal.
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