Wormhole x Staking Facilities: Guardians of the Multichain

Wormhole x Staking Facilities: Guardians of the Multichain

May 23, 2024
📍 w3.hub
👥 300
🇬🇧 english

Staking Facilities

Point of contact

Robet Dörzbach

twitter → @StakingFac
Status • Available
Price Free!

In times of turmoil, unite. Rise beyond tribalism. Calling the Guardians of the Multichain.

As the world is starting to embrace crypto and it is becoming more apparent that a lot of economic activity is moving on-chain, we want to reinforce the notion of a multi-chain world.

As the leading interoperability platform for multichain bridges and applications, Wormhole embodies this sentiment to the fullest. This is why we want to facilitate a place for the Wormhole community and ecosystem partners to connect, exchange, and advocate the vision of a 'web of web3'.

Expect a full day of workshops, presentations, panels, as well as games, music, food and drinks.

Agenda coming soon. Please RSVP.


Thursday - May 23, 2024

12:00 - 22:00
Wormhole x Staking Facilities: Guardians of the Multichain
Guardians of the Multichain
📍 w3.hub
👥 300

Venues (1)


200 ppl

For speakers

This event is looking for speakers. Submit a proposal.
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