WebZero BlockSpäti — Co-working Day Four

WebZero BlockSpäti — Co-working Day Four

May 24, 2024
👥 80
🇬🇧 english


Point of contact

Roman Kemper

twitter → @x.com/joinwebzero
Status • Available
Price Free!

Day four at the BlockSpäti:

The final day of our co-working experience, join us as we wrap up Berlin Blockchain Week with co-working.

End your week with a crypto-branded mate, try out a quest and network with builders, founders and creators in the space.

We'll have snacks, beverages and a Starlink router to keep your WiFi at super strength all day long.


Friday - May 24, 2024

10:00 - 15:00
WebZero BlockSpäti — Co-working Day Four
Co-working at BlockSpäti
👥 80

Venues (1)


500 ppl
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