AwesomWasm Hackathon 2024

AwesomWasm Hackathon 2024

May 28-30, 2024
📍 w3.hub
👥 200
#smart contract
🇬🇧 english

Confio GmbH

Point of contact

Sara Darcaj

Status • Available
Price Free!

Join us for the 2nd edition of AwesomWasm Hackathon, a thrilling event happening during Berlin Cosmos Week, on the 28th - 30th of May. Immerse yourself in a dynamic atmosphere of innovation, collaboration, and cutting-edge technology at the heart of Berlin's vibrant tech scene.


Tuesday - May 28, 2024

09:00 - 20:00
AwesomWasm Hackathon 2024
AwesomWasm Hackathon
📍 w3.hub
👥 200

Wednesday - May 29, 2024

09:00 - 20:00
AwesomWasm Hackathon 2024
AwesomWasm Hackathon
📍 w3.hub
👥 200

Thursday - May 30, 2024

09:00 - 20:00
AwesomWasm Hackathon 2024
AwesomWasm Hackathon
📍 w3.hub
👥 200

Venues (1)


200 ppl

For speakers

This event is looking for speakers. Submit a proposal.
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Last update: 2 months ago (v24.2.41)  |  bbw-explore 0.3.0  |  ID: wasm [events]  |