Open Data Brunch with Subsquid

Open Data Brunch with Subsquid

May 23, 2024
👥 100
🇬🇧 english


Point of contact

Roman Kemper

twitter → @subsquid
Status • Available
Price Free!

Dive into open data and start your Thursday at the Blockspäti!

The Subsquid team invites you to a lavish brunch followed by games and casual networking to start the day on the right foot.

Don't miss this mixer if you appreciate:

  • Brunch with all the fixings
  • Open data
  • Different games and activities

Your hosts at Subsquid

Subsquid Network is Web3 necessiware—a decentralized data lake and query engine for blazing-fast cross-chain indexing and queries. Infinitely horizontally scalable, Subsquid makes the consumer dApps that real people want to use possible, from social media to games and DeFi. Secured by ZK proofs, Subsquid supports over 100 networks. Learn more:


Thursday - May 23, 2024

10:00 - 13:00
Open Data Brunch with Subsquid
Open Data Brunch with Subsquid
👥 100

Venues (1)


500 ppl
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