Drinks_ Reception by Greenfield, NEAR, Celo and Q

Drinks_ Reception by Greenfield, NEAR, Celo and Q

May 22, 2024
📍 undefined
👥 80
🇬🇧 english

Greenfield, NEAR, Celo, Q

Point of contact

Karolina Kowalik

Status • Available
Price Free!

Gm builders! It's Berlin Blockchain Week once more. Come and join us for an evening filled with cool music, cocktails, friends -old and new- and a stunning view over Berlin. We (Greenfield, NEAR, Celo and Q) are eager to catch up with you and hear about what you're building! We're excited for a fantastic evening with all of you. Please sign up promptly, as seats are limited,.


Wednesday - May 22, 2024

20:30 - 23:00
Drinks_ Reception by Greenfield, NEAR, Celo and Q
Drinks_ Reception
👥 80
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