BUIDL Base Camp

BUIDL Base Camp

May 21, 2024
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👥 60
🇬🇧 english

Buidl Guidl

Point of contact


Status • Available
Price Free!

Join the Buidl Guidl Base Camp during Berlin Blockchain Week to get hands-on experience building and deploying your dapp on Base!

​At the event we’ll introduce you to Scaffold-ETH 2, the leading open-source toolkit that simplifies the dApp development process. Specifically, we’ll work with the fork Scaffold-Base which is tailored to enhance your development experience building new applications on Base’s L2.

​In other sessions you will learn how to utilize The Graph for indexing Base data, employ Coinbase Smart Wallet for account abstraction and deploy your dapp with the BUIDL on Base workshop.

​This event is an excellent opportunity for developers of all levels to sharpen their skills, connect with like-minded individuals, start building with Scaffold ETH 2, and deploying on Base!


Tuesday - May 21, 2024

10:00 - 16:00
BUIDL Base Camp
BUIDL Base Camp
📍 Register to see venue name
👥 60
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