Blockchain meets AI + BerChain's 5th Anniversary

Blockchain meets AI + BerChain's 5th Anniversary

May 23, 2024
📍 w3.hub
👥 150
🇬🇧 english


Point of contact

Marta Dal Lago

twitter → @ber_chain
Status • Available
Price Free!

Explore the current state of AI and its connections with blockchain and web3 technologies! Join a vivid cross tech communities event and a panel of thrilling speakers! Use cases and applications, the differences of the international landscapes, the issues posed by AI and the relationship between players/technology with policy makers and regulations will be discussed. The event will be prolonged with the 5th anniversary part of BerChain. Celebrate with Berlin's biggest blockchain and web3 community, meet old and new friends, looking back at five inspiring years, and looking ahead to more blockchain futures together!


Thursday - May 23, 2024

14:00 - 22:00
Blockchain meets AI + BerChain's 5th Anniversary
Blockchain meets AI
📍 w3.hub
👥 150

Venues (1)


200 ppl
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