Walk-by Coffee Event by HAVN & AuditOne

Walk-by Coffee Event by HAVN & AuditOne

May 23, 2024
👥 300
#security audits
#smart contracts
#bug bounties
🇬🇧 english

AuditOne and Haven

Point of contact


Status • Available
Price Free!

Morning Bytes & Bites at Holzmarkt Cafe

​Location: Holzmarkt Cafe

​Date & Time:

​Thursday, May 23, 2024

​From 8:30 AM to 11:00 AM


​As part of the vibrant Berlin Blockchain Week, we invite the Web3 community and DAPPCON attendees to join us at the Holzmarkt Cafe for a unique morning mixer. Kickstart your day with our exclusive breakfast event, designed to energize and engage blockchain enthusiasts and professionals.


​Upon arrival, each registered guest will receive a complimentary voucher redeemable for a Coffee to Go and a croissant, or alternatively, a glass of sparkling wine and a croissant.

​This casual "walk-by" event is perfect for those looking to fuel up and network without a lengthy stop.


​Conveniently located right next to the DAPPCON venue at Radialsystem

​Enjoy your breakfast in the charming outdoor seating area of Holzmarkt Cafe

​A perfect setting to meet fellow blockchain enthusiasts in a relaxed, informal atmosphere


​The event is designed for quick stops; however, the venue's outdoor area provides a lovely setting for those who wish to linger and enjoy their morning treats.

​We look forward to welcoming you to Morning Bytes & Bites – where good mornings are made better with blockchain!



​HAVN is an ecosystem that connects hybrid chains into a fully decentralized and interoperable network. The HAVN token powers the ecosystem and works as fuel for running the chains.


​​AuditOne is an aggregator platform that creates auditor pools based on projects' needs to deliver high-quality, affordable audits. Our main focus is on Web3 cybersecurity (smart-contract audits, pentests, bug bounties), AI systems audits (bias, fairness, compliance check), and technical due diligence (for VCs and traders).


Thursday - May 23, 2024

08:30 - 11:00
Walk-by Coffee Event by HAVN & AuditOne
AuditOne at BBW
📍 Holzmarkt Cafe
👥 300
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